Individual Consultant to carry out Capacity Building of MCIT’s Staff for efficient Operation and Management of Afghanistan’s Satellite (AFSAT)


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The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the ICT Sector Development Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds to hire a qualified Individual Consultant “to carry out Capacity Building of MCIT’s Staff for efficient Operation and Management of Afghanistan’s Satellite(AFSAT)”. This Consultancy Support will be provided to the Deputy Minister-Technical of MCIT under the World Bank funded Project of MCIT “Afghanistan ICT Sector Development Project”.

The aim of the ICT Sector Development Project of MCIT(as funded by the World Bank) is to expand broadband connectivity, mainstream use of mobile applications across the Government and develop the capacity of the IT sector to facilitate improved service delivery across Afghanistan while accelerating job creation and economic growth.  The project will do so by: (a) Creating the enabling environment and making strategic investments for the development of Afghanistan’s backbone and broadband infrastructure; (b) Supporting the mainstreaming of mobile applications across Government by supporting innovations and creation of cross cutting enablers; and (c) Developing local IT infrastructure and capacity in the public and private sectors.

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