Ministry of Mines and Petroleum inaugurates the Data Center and the MCRS system

پنجشنبه ۱۳۴۸/۱۰/۱۱ - ۵:۳

Acting minister of MCIT Engineer Syed Ahmad Shah Sadat attended the inauguration ceremony of data center and Registration System of the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum.

Data Center of Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, which has 160TB capacity, will also be connected with the Central Data Center of the ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology. With this data center, information related to natural resources, studies, contracts, and all other information in Afghanistan will be registred. Additionally, a registration system was also opened for companies whome are working the mining sector.


In his speech acting Minister of Communications and Information Technology said that it is another significant step towards e- governance in the country, which will bring Afghanistan closer to the target of digital Afghanistan. He also mentioned that this center will soon be connected with the Afghanistan National Data Center. Furthermore, this year, we will create the second National data Center in Nangarhar province, and also another data center in Kyrgyzstan to hold a back-up centers in emergency situations. Said Eng. Sadaat.

The Minister of MCIT emphasized on development of e- government for good governance, transparency and accountability and in this regard, he noted the short-term, medium and long-term plans of the ministry. 

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