Contract Award Notice


Date: Sep06, 2020



Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT)

Mohammad Jan Khan Watt, Kabul, Afghanistan

Contract being awarded:

Contract Name: Procurement of Enhancement of National Internet Exchange of Afghanistan(NIXA)

RFP No: MCIT-DC/PIU/2020/G-1

Procurement Method: International Competitive Bidding (ICB)

Bidders Submitted Bids:

No. Bidder Did Price as Read Out USD Evaluated Bid Price USD
۱ I.N.T Netlink Technologies (LLC) 751,983.53 751,983.53
۲ Aryan Technologies ISP Provider 377,480 377,480
۳ Life Webs I.C.T Services 341,209 341,209


Successful Bidder:

Name: Life Webs I.C.T Services, D-33034
Contract Price: USD 341,209.00 (United States Dollar Three Hundred Forty One Thousand Two Hundred and Nine Only)
Contract Duration: 4 Months
Scope of Project: Supply the equipment required for enhancement of the existing Internet Exchange Point of MCIT.

آخرین اطلاعیه ها

چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۳/۲ - ۱۲:۳۹
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