Annual MaintenanceContractof AFGov-CMS&AFGov-Host
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Introduction to ANDC
In alignment with the current needs of the government MCIT has initiated the Afghanistan National Data Center (ANDC) project providing a backbone for the e-Government program. ANDC is also considered to be a premier and essential component of the Government of Afghanistan in the field of Information Services and information Technology (IT) applications. ANDC will be instrumental in steering ICT applications in Government Organizations on both Central and Provincial level for wider transparency in government functions and improvement in the decentralized planning and management.
In order to enhance the government experience with website and email services, MCIT developeda government owned content management system to design and develop government websites based on the E-Gov Inter-Operability Framework standards. MCIT has also established the required infrastructure for hosting the government websites and email systems at ANDC. This initiative has brought a standard look and feel to all the government web presence and has provided a reliable and efficient email communication system for the government organizations.