Amendment No.6 INVITATION FOR BIDS: Procurement of ISP Backbone Equipment for Kabul & Regional Sites


تاریخ نشر

تاریخ ختم

موقعیت Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Afghan Telecommunication Corporation (AFTEL), Procurement Directorate, Mohammad Jan Khan Watt, Post Parcel Building, 4th Floor






Invitation For Bids (IFB)



 Amendment No.6

 Amendment No.5

 Amendment No.4

Amendment No.3

 Amendment No.2

Amendment No.1

For more information, see Amendment No. 6

Procurement Entities

Afghan Telecom Corporation (AFTEL), Ministry of Communication and IT (MCIT), Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Funded By

Afghan Telecom Corporation Own Budget.

Project Description

Procurement of ISP Backbone Equipment for Kabul and Regional Sites

Ref. No


Bid Security

The Bids must be accompanied with Bid Security in the form of a Bank Guarantee provided in the Bidding Documents for the amount mentioned below:


Description Goods

Bid security amount

(US Dollar)

Procurement of ISP Backbone Equipment for Kabul and Regional Sites



Valid for 148 (120+28) days from bid submission deadline date or extended bid submission deadline date. 

Deadline for Bid Submission

February 4th, 2024, 10:00 (AM) hrs. (Local Kabul Time)

Pre-Bid meeting shall be held

Date and Time: January 18, 2024 at 10:00 AM Kabul Local Time


Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Afghan Telecommunication Corporation (AFTEL), Procurement Directorate, Mohammad Jan Khan Watt, Post Parcel Building, 4th Floor         

Address for Bid Submission

Procurement Department, Afghan Telecom Corporation, Post Parcel Building, 4th Floor, Ministry Communication and IT, Mohammad Jan Khan Watt, Kabul – Afghanistan

Telephone No: +93 (0) 20-210-9184|

Email Add: CC:


A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be obtained by interested bidders free of cost by downloading from the MCIT website

In case of any difficulty in downloading from website, interested bidders may contact at e-mail address: CC:









ISP Backbone Equipment SBD
ISP Backbon Technical Specs
Amendment No.1
Amendment No.2
Amendment in ISP Backbon Technical Specs
Amendment No.3
Amendment No.4
Amendment No.5
Amendment No.6

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