Minister of Communications and Information Technology attends EU- Afghanistan Business Council Meeting

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Alireza Khaliqyar
Sun, May 12 2019 4:31 PM
اشتراک در جلسه شورای تجاری اتحادیه اروپا- افغانستان

Shahzad Aryobee Minister of Communications and Information Technology attended the meeting of EU- Afghanistan business Council chaired by the second vice president H. E. Sarwar Danish.

 The meeting was held with participation members of the Private Sector Safety Committee, EU trade members, ambassador of the European Union and ambassadors and representatives from ten European countries and a number of investors on Sunday, May 12, 2019.

The session reviewed the problems in judicial documents and the legal framework for business activities, the modality of mine’s sector and information technology, challenges, and other issues related to the private sector in business.

During the meeting the problems in the telecommunications and information technology sector, creating shared vision and role of IT sector in the economic and social progress of Afghanistan were discussed.

Minister Shahzad Ayobee, while listening to the information technology sector's concerns, gave details about the activities of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) in addressing the problems related to information technology and also emphasized on the close cooperation with the private sector.

The meeting made decision that the private sector and government institutes shall review the suggestions and problems raised by the private sector activists in separate meetings and look for appropriate and right solutions.