High-ranking delegation travels to Parwan province for evaluation of telecommunications’ progress

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Alireza Khaliqyar
Wed, Sep 26 2018 9:34 AM

In order to evaluate telecommunication’s situation Deputy minister (Finance and Admin)  of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Dr. Mohammad Hadi Hedayati heading a high ranking delegation of the MCIT traveled to Parwan province on Wednesday, September 26, 2018.

During his trip Dr. Hedayati met with the governor of Parwan province General Fazluddin Ayar and discussed the situation of the telecommunication services.

Then, while appreciating the progress of telecommunication services, technology infrastructure and the completion the Fiber Optic Project in mentioned province, Mr. Ayar said that for further development telecommunication services in the province they would work in coordination with the Ministry of Communications.

Also, while visiting the Parwan Provincial Telecommunication and Technology Directorate, Mr. Hedayati met with all the Telecom, ATRA and Afghan Telecom staff, and gave the officials instructions on how to resolve the issues and provide better services.