MCIT’s Notice on Selection of Consultant for Innovations Support Program Fund Management Of Afghanistan’s ICT Sector Development Project- MCIT

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

This refers to the selection of Consultant for Innovations Support Program Fund Managementof Afghanistan’s ICT Sector Development Project (Project ID P121755-PPF 744 AF; Contract Package ID PPF/C3), for which TOR was published on the Websites of ACBAR and MCIT on 20th Feb, 2011.

This is to inform all concerned that Mr. Ravinder Kumar Raina, Resident of: C1002; Neel Padam Kunj; Vaishali(Opposite Dabur); Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh State; India.

 stands selected for the advertized position. Details are given as under:-

1.       Consultants shortlisted for the Post: 1-Mr. Joshua K. Goldstein from USA; 2-Mr. Ravinder Kumar Raina from India; 3-Mr. Mark Ragel from USA.

2.  Consultants interviewed for the Post: Short-listed Candidates were interviewed for the Post.

3.  Technical Points assigned to each Consultant who were interviewed by the Selection Committee of MCIT: 1- Mr. Joshua K. Goldstein-92.80 %; 2-Mr. Ravinder Kumar Raina-83.20 %; 3-Mr. Mark Ragel-73.40 %.

4.  Final Point Rankings of the Consultants, based on Technical and Financial Criteria: First: Mr. Joshua K. Goldstein;  Second:Mr. Ravinder Kumar Raina ;  Third: Mr. Mark Ragel.

5.  Details of the Winning Candidate:  Since Mr. Joshua K. Goldstein of  USA declined to join this assignment at Kabul, Mr. Ravinder Kumar Raina from India  was awarded the Contract, with a Contract Price of  USD 50,000for 3 months assignment(all inclusive, including Taxes).