Digital phone system inaugurates in Herat

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

H.E. Amirzai Sangin Minister of MCIT inaugurated a digital telecommunication system in Almihdi of Jabrayel district in Herat Province on Wednesday 12/9/2012.

Minister Sangin participate an opening ceremony along with Mr. Dawood Shah Saba governor of Herat Province, members of provincial council and a large number of local residents.
Speaking about the importance and development of telecommunication Sangin said, this system has the capacity to provide service to 12000 subscribers. Further he said that the digital phone service and internet facilities will be provided to 12000 houses, shops and commercial institutions in near future.

Mr. Dawood Shah the governor of Herat appreciated the action of MCIT on behalf of residents. To implement the 45 decree of president and expansion of telecommunication service Eng. Sangin visited Karukh district as well. At the same day Eng. Amirzai Sangin opened a Fiber Optic Project, which will link the Shindand district to the Herat Province.