Annual Directors’ Coordination Conference holds by Ministry of Communications & IT

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

Aiming to have better cooperation between central and provincial Directorates of Ministry of Communications & IT (MCIT) a 3-day conference was held at Kabul Star hotel on Tuesday from 4 - 6 February 2014. The Participants of the event were Minister of MCIT, Deputy Minster (F&A), Deputy Minster (IT) and Board of Directors of MCIT, a delegation of Telecommunication Sector of National Assembly, provincial directors and authorities of Afghan Telecom, ATRA and representative of media.

At the beginning Minister of Communications and IT H.E. Amirzai Sangin  welcoming  the guests and said: this is the matter of pleasure that once again we convene to evaluate our yearly activities, find out shortages and challenges we faced and the way of solution, discuss, exchange information and share good practices with each other.

H. E. Amirzai Sangin enumerated the goal of the gathering as follow:

1. Evaluation the past year’s activities and functions.

2. Sharing the Plan of next year.

3. Getting ideas and finding the best way for solution the problems.

4. Sharing challenges and obstacles that we have been faced.

H.E. Sangin briefly mentioned the achievements of the MCIT and said: that despite problems and security issues in the country we have significant achievement in the field of telecommunication services, but this is not enough we should not stop and we should keep on our struggles in order to provide and improve telecommunications, IT, internet, postal and other services belonging to our field.

Then the chairman of ATRA Mr. Abdulwakil Shirgul and head of Afghan Telecom Mr. Gul Ahmad Rastman reported the audience of their performances and shared next annual plan.

Then the deputy (Admi & Fin) Minister Wahabbudin Sadaat scrutinized last year’s fiscal introduced it to the audience.

According to the agenda central and provincial directors of MCIT presented detailed reports and shared their problems and challenges they faced within last year.  

Within 3 days of the conference programs and achievements, failures and shortages of MCIT; and way of solution were discussed in details

At the end H.E. Wahabbudin Sadaat Deputy Minister (Adm & Fin) of MCIT evaluated the consequence of the conference saying “as a united team we all work together in a close cooperation to accomplish the plan and tackle the problems and challenges that we face in provincial levels as far as possible”.