MCIT’s Notice on selection of Consultant for designing and development of a business plan for the development and operations of the ICT Village
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MCIT’s Notice on selection of Consultant for designing and development of a
business plan for the development and operations of the ICT Village
for World Bank funded Afghanistan ICT Sector Development Project of MCIT
[Project ID: P121755; Project Fund: IDA-H-665-AF; Contract Package ID C3.1, for which REOI (including the TOR) was published on the Websites of ARDS, ACBAR and MCIT on 05th July, 2011]
This is to inform all concerned that Mr. John Paul Klat[ with permanent residence in Canada at Plaza Alexis Nihon; St. Catherone-West; Building 421; Apartment-2310; H3Z-1E9; Montreal; Canada and presently operating from his Afghanistan Office at Dovon Street; Haji Yaqoob-4; Vila-8; Shahre-now; Kabul] stands selected for the advertized position. Details are given as under:-
1. Consultants shortlisted for the Post: 1) Mr. John Paul Klat of Canada; 2) Mr. Yar Mohammad Taraky of Kabul-Afghanistan.
2. Consultants interviewed for the Post: 1) Mr. John Paul Klat of Canada; 2) Mr. Yar Mohammad Taraky of Kabul-Afghanistan.
3. Technical Points assigned to each Consultant who were interviewed by the Selection Committee of MCIT: 1) Mr. John Paul Klat—87.25 %; 2) Mr. Yar Mohammad Taraky—77.50 %.
4. Final Point Rankings of the Consultants, based on Technical and Financial Criteria: First- Mr. John Paul Klat; Second-Mr. Yar Mohammad Taraky.
5. Details of the Winning Candidate: Mr. John Paul Klat is the selected Consultant, with a Contract Price of USD 33,600 USDfor full assignmentof 03 months duration (all inclusive, including Taxes).