RFP and TOR Amendment to the Original RFP and TOR published on 8 June, 2015
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Dear all interested Firm/University:
Original RFP No: MCIT/EGRC-II/Capacity Building Dept. /training of CIOs, E-Government in Kabul and training for 10 EGRC staff abroad was announced on June 8 in MCIT Website, under that RFP and TOR the Firm/University should provide E-Government training to 300 trainees of government ministries and agencies, training for 10 Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and training for 10 EGRC staff abroad under MCIT/EGRC-II Project.
This RFP Amendment (hereinafter called the “RFP and TOR E-Government training and training for
10 CIOs Amendment ”) is made on 6/20/2015
Purpose of Amendment to the Original RFP and TOR with Brief Justification to have Amendment:
On June 8, MCIT announced E-Government training for 300 trainees of government ministries and agencies, training for 10 CIOs and training for 10 EGRC staff abroad on MCIT website, under that RFP and TOR the Firm/University should provide E-Government training to 300 trainees of government ministries and agencies, training for 10 Chief Information Officers (CIOs)and training for 10 EGRC staff abroad under MCIT/EGRC-II Project.
This Original RFP and TOR is changed on 20 June, 2015 as per laid down Terms and Conditions of the RFP and TOR; The RFP and TOR execution was given as Trainings for 300 E-Government government ministries and agencies, training for 10 CIOs and training for 10 EGRC staff abroad on
MCIT Website.