Six illegal SIM Boxes Seizes in Kabul City

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

 Ministry of Communication & IT (MCIT) confiscated (6) SIM Boxes in the 4th and 11th Districts of Kabul city.

Six SIM Boxes were confiscated in the 4th and 11th Districts of Kabul city, two of them have the capacity of 8 SIM Cards and the rest of them have 273 SIM capacities and also a suspected person detained on 28th May, 2012.

A press conference was held in MCIT Conference Room with participation of Eng. Khir Mohammad Faizi Deputy of ATRA and media representatives. 

Khir Mohammad Faizi said: Afghanistan Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (ATRA) was informed on 28th May, 2012 that a number of people had illegally installed Telecom Equipments in the 4th and 11th Districts of Kabul city. Receiving report, the supervising team of ATRA in collaboration with law enforcement bodies spontaneously went to the area. After reaching there they found that (6) SIM Boxes, which totally cost (150'000) to,($ 200'000 USD )   were used illegally to provide Telecom services.

Using the above mentioned accessories, the perpetrators have gone against the law as follows:

  1. Provided Telecom services without any authorizing license.
  2. Imported Telecom equipment without having ATRA approval.
  3. Inflicted Telecom Companies as well as the government thousands of USD loss.
  4. Would have done anti security activities through carrying out illegal calls.
  5. Lowered quality of service of the Telecom Companies in the country, using the above mentioned equipments.

When a person provides Telecom services, uses frequency or imports Telecom equipments illegally and does not apply the procedures of ATRA, are obligated to pay cash fine in accordance with the provision of the Telecom Services Regulation Law. The issue has been referred to the Board of ATRA and any actions are to be taken based on the provisions of the said law.