Finance Assistant-1 in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT)

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

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Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT);

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan


Finance Assistant-1 in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT)


REOI and the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Assignment



COUNTRY:                                       Afghanistan

NAME OF THE PROJECT:              Afghanistan ICT Sector Development Project

SECTOR:                                           Information Communications Technology

CONTRACT TYPE:                          Individual Services as Contracted Staff under Operating Cost

                                                              -Time based


DUTY STATION:                              Kabul, Afghanistan


PROJECT ID NO:                              P121755

IMPLEMENTING AGENCY:          Project Implementation and Coordination Unit (PICU) of MCIT


  1. Background:


The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the ICT Sector Development Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds to hire a qualified Individual to provide  Services as “Finance Assistant-1” in the Finance Department of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT). These Services will be provided to the Finance Department of MCIT, under the World Bank funded Project of MCIT “Afghanistan ICT Sector Development Project”.


The aim of the ICT Sector Development Project of MCIT(as funded by the World Bank) is to expand broadband connectivity, mainstream use of mobile applications across the Government and develop the capacity of the IT sector to facilitate improved service delivery across Afghanistan while accelerating job creation and economic growth.  The project will do so by: (a) Creating the enabling environment and making strategic investments for the development of Afghanistan’s backbone and broadband infrastructure; (b) Supporting the mainstreaming of mobile applications across Government by supporting innovations and creation of cross cutting enablers; and (c) Developing local IT infrastructure and capacity in the public and private sectors.


Project Development Objectives with their Output Indicators for each Project Component of the World Bank funded ICT Sector Development Project of MCIT are listed below:


The PDO-level results indicators are as follows:

Output Indicator(s)

Baseline (2010)

Proposed targets (2017)

Impact of Consultancy Support

Revised ICT policy adopted by the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

2003 telecom and Internet policy; 2003 ICT policy

Revised policy adopted

Component 1: Expanding connectivity

Expanded reach and availability of telecommunications services and specifically broadband Internet services

Access to internet services (number of subscribers per 100 people)



Access to telephone services (number of subscriptions per 100 people)



Length of fibre optic network built under the Project (km)



Component 2: Mainstreaming mobile applications

Use of mobile applications across Government for public services and program management

Number of Government agencies or programs using m-apps for public service delivery or program management



Improved capacity of Government to use IT strategically

Number of ministry CIOs and other officials trained under the Project



Component 3: IT industry development

Growth of local IT Individual Consultants and job creation in the IT based services sector

Number of people trained under the Project






  1. Project Implementation Arrangements:


  1. The Project has a centralized management structure. The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) is the implementing agency for the project. MCIT is implementing a number of sectoral projects funded by the government and other development partners. To manage its portfolio of investment projects better, MCIT has established a program implementation and coordination unit (PICU) that the Deputy Minister (Technical) of MCIT chairs. A Schematic of PICU is below:






Schematic of Project Implementation and Coordination Unit



Program Implementation and Coordination Unit (PICU)

Chairman of PICU: H.E. Engineer. Baryalai Hassam,

Deputy Minister – Technical-Ministry of Communications and IT


Mr. Yasin Hamraz-

Finance Director of MCIT

H.E. Engr. Aimal Marjan-


Dr. Aziz-ur Rahman-
Policy and Planning Director of MCIT

Mr.Janat Fahim-

Procurement Director of MCIT

Project Management Office

Project Management Specialist

Financial Management Specialist

Procurement Specialist

M&E Specialist

Communications and other Specialists

Other Specialists/Experts of PMO


Dr. Mohammad. Najib Azizi-



Engr. Gul Ahmad Rastman-

CEO of AfghanTelecom


  1. The Directors of the Planning and Policy Department and IT Department are the core members of the PICU. The Finance and Procurement Directorates of MCIT provide support to the PICU. This is to ensure further strengthening and sustainability of program management capacity that has been developed over the last few years within MCIT. Core financial management and procurement functions for the project are handled by the respective departments within MCIT.  A Project Management Office (PMO) supports MCIT in implementation of the IDA project.  This PMO is part of the established PICU.


  1. Brief on ATRA and Rapid Growth of Telecommunications Sector in Afghanistan:
  1. The Afghan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA) was established in 2006 for issuance of licenses, monitoring of quality of services provided by the licensees and taking measures towards developing the sector by encouraging private sector investments. Activities of ATRA are mainly based on the Telecom policy developed and adopted by the Ministry of Communications and IT on 03 July, 2003 with the vision to develop the Telecom and Internet sector in order to provide affordable and quality services to the citizens of Afghanistan on a nationwide basis.
  1. In July 2003, two licenses for GSM Services (in 900 MHz) were issued to Afghan Wireless Communications Company (AWCC) and Telecom Development Company Afghanistan (Roshan).  Pursuant to the Policy, they were provided a duopoly on GSM Services until the end of 2005. Based on the fact that the three year term of the two original licenses was about to come to an end, on 21 May 2005, ATRA officially launched an international competitive tender for two additional licenses for GSM Services (and any other services in the assigned 900 and 1800 MHz bands). As a result, two additional GSM licenses were issued in May 2006, one to MTN and another to Etisalat.
  1. The former Telecommunication Department of the Ministry of Communications of Afghanistan was taken out of the Ministry of Communications and became a government owned Telecommunications Company which also received a Unified Services license from ATRA in 2005. It was named Afghan Telecom (AfTel). Aftel also inherited Fixed Line and Fiber Optic networks. In addition, AfTel also provides Internet services through its fixed line and CDMA facilities as well as through WiMAX frequencies allocated to it by ATRA.
  1. Since private entry into the Telecom market in 2003, the telecom sector in Afghanistan has grown at a remarkable rate and now approximately 18 million Afghanistan businesses, government entities and consumers have mobile telephone service and over one million users have Internet service. And, the current installation of an AfTel Fiber Optic ring throughout Afghanistan is connecting Afghanistan with the rest of the World at lower costs for voice and data services. Now, that the basic needs of the people in Afghanistan have been fulfilled,  MCIT and ATRA have introduced 3G (Third Generation) and Broadband Wireless Services in the country. During 2013, three GSM Operators have already launched 3G Services in the Country.
  1. Afghan Telecom (AFTEL) is a Telecom Operator, 100 % owned by Ministry of Communications and IT (MCIT). It is a Government owned Corporation and planned to be privatized in due course of time. In 2006, Optical Fiber Cable Ring Project was funded by the Government from the Core Development Budget, to establish an OFC Ring of 3100 Kms and again in 2010, another 500 Kms have been funded. AFTEL is the only Operator in Afghanistan currently permitted to own the OFC based Backbone of the Country. The Company is selling Internet Bandwidth by bringing the same from neighboring Countries (Pakistan, Iran, Tajakistan and Uzbekistan) through OFC Backbone. Telecom Operators and ISPs are hiring the OFC based Internet Capacities and the Fiber Capacities from Afghan Telecom.

.Under the World Bank funded ICT Sector Development Project as approved in May, 2011, upto 29 Million USD will be spent to connect 05 Provinces and 13 Districts to the existing OFC Ring of Afghan Telecom. Within next 03 years, it is estimated that all the 34 Provincial Capitals and many Districts will be served by the OFC based Backbone Network.


  1. Objective of the Assignment:

Under the Operating Cost of the Project, a qualified Individual will function as Finance Assistant-1 to assist MCIT’s Finance Department to achieve efficient Financial Management of the MCIT. The objective of this assignment is to support the financial management and disbursement areas and to assist the finance department staff members of MCIT to perform related tasks of Finance department of MCIT.


  1. Scope of Work:
  • Receiving and processing all documents regarding allocation and payments from PMO of ICTDP.
  • To manage and control the payment of salaries, overtime and subsistence allowance.
  • To make sure that the country financial laws are adhered to by all.
  • Assessing & monitoring all financial activities related to payrolls, accounting and budgetary expenditure.
  • Giving information to inspectors or auditors of World Bank and other related agencies.
  •  Helping officers in preparing M16s, Salaries and contract payments.
  • Doing reconciliations for petty cash and other advances.
  • To submit regular reports to the Finance Director of MCIT.
  • Archiving all documents related to World Bank and other development budget.


  1. Qualification Requirements:


Individual should have the following qualifications and experience:


  1. Minimum Education Level
  • Bachelor’s degree in economics, Business, commerce and public administration.
  • Master’s degree holders in economics, business, commerce and public administration will be preferred.
  1. Required Experience (type and duration of experience)
  • At least 3 years of relevant work experience on full time basis for Bachelors Degree Holders.
  • At least 2 years of relevant work experience on full time basis for Masters Degree Holders.
  1. Language requirement
  • Pashto and Dari languages skills both oral and written
  • English Languages skills both oral and written
  1. Computer  skills
  • Computer skills: full knowledge of MS office is required, i.e. Word, Excel and Power Point.


  1. Deliverables, Time Schedules, Reporting Requirements and Payment Schedules:


The incumbent shall directly report to the General Manager (payments) in the Finance Department of MCIT. He/She will be paid on monthly basis, after the monthly Reports have been approved by the Project Director of ICT Sector Development Project. All payments will be made within 30 days from the date of submission of approved and signed Invoice, Monthly Activity/Time Sheet and the Monthly Report, both in English and Pashtu/Dari languages.


  1. Facilities to be given by MCIT: The following services and facilities will be provided by MCIT at Kabul, without any cost to the Individual:
  • Shared office space;
  • Shared Telephone in office;
  • Internet access in office;
  • Transport for execution of the official Tasks during working hours.


  1. Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) by MCIT:


The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) now invites eligible Individuals to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested Individuals must provide information in their CVs, indicating that they are qualified to perform the services.


To ensure impartiality, individual (including his home office, if any) must not, in any way, be affiliated with business entities that are currently providing or are seeking to provide goods or services to the project.


An Individual will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January, 2011 edition).



For further details, Interested Individuals are requested to contact GM-FPD of MCIT, at the address given below, during office hours from 0800 to 1600 hours:


Foreign Procurement Department (FPD) (Attn: Mr. Samimullah Samim)

General Manager for External Procurements;

Procurement Department, Ministry of Communications and IT (MCIT)

Mohammad Jan Khan Watt; Kabul, Afghanistan

Phone: Office: +93 20 210 37 41; Cell: +93 700 222 009;


Web site:


Any queries on the assignment may be addressed to the above mentioned email address (, with CC to,,, and, latest one week before the deadline for submission of expression of interest.


Expressions of interest, including detailed Resumes must be sent by E-Mails by

8th March, 2016(11.00 AM), to the E-Mail IDs as given above.



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