Brief Report

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

Posted on: Oct 02, 2010
The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is one of the active Member State of International Telecommunications Union (ITU) which proactively takes part in all its events at regional and International levels. Every four year, ITU conduct an International Conference titled "Plenipotentiary Conference" with the main three following objectives:
1. Sets the Union's general policies,
2. Adopts four-year strategic and financial plans and
3. Elects the senior management team of the organization, the members of Council and the members of the Radio Regulations Board, which Afghanistan in line with the other Member countries takes actively part and have the right to vote and sign the Final Act.
This year, the said Conference is being organized from 4 – 22 October, 2010 in Guadalajara, Mexico, at which more than 190 Member Countries are intended to participate.
Worth mentioning, the Ministry of Communications and IT for the first time has presented candidature of Mr. Nadershah Arian, who is currently Director of Spectrum Management, to the Union particularly to the Radio Regulation Board to be seated if the foreseeable supportive countries vote him. Mr. Arian is very skilful in the field of Communications and is well-experienced in the same field.
The Afghan Delegations, headed by His Excellency Eng Amirzai Sangin, Minister of Communications and IT, are supposed to leave Afghanistan for Mexico on Saturday 02 October, 2010 to actively participate in the Conference.