MCIT Signs Cooperation Agreement with DCDA

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) signed the agreement of cooperation between MCIT and Independent Board for Development of Kabul New City (DCDA) during a joint press conference held on Tuesday December 23, 2014.

Eng. Baryalay Hassam Deputy Technical and acting Minister of MCIT who spoke at the conference said: that the purpose of signing the agreement is delivering telecommunication services to the new town of Kabul city. He mentioned that MCIT has the task to deliver telecommunications and IT services to the people in every corner of the country.

Eng. Hassam said: that the telecommunications and IT is the most needed and integral part of today’s communities. In order to fulfil delivering IT service to new town of Kabul city we provided draft of cooperation in which the duties and responsibilities of both sides has been inserted clearly. He continued that one of the duties and responsibilities of MCIT is to design master Plan, provide funds to telecommunication and postal system, to design extending pipes, to connect the new town with Kabul city and to share information with partner.   

After that the senior adviser of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and director of the Kabul new city agency Mohammad Yusuf Pashtun called the project one of the most important and major projects in Afghanistan. He said that the city is designed with modern standards. He stated that supplying the town with IT and telecommunication services is the most required and important.

The vice chairman of the Independent Board for development of Kabul new city Eng. Alham Umar Hotaki stated in his speech that the important part of the new city is telecommunication infrastructures, which can play significant role in security, development and facilities to the residents of area.