MCIT Distributes Graduation Certificates to 450 IT Students

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

According a contract signed among Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), Rana, Karwan and Apptech Educational Institutes 450 students were given ICT Certificate and each Institute trained 175 students. In this occasion meetings were held in Kabul Intercontinental and Park Star Hotels on Tuesday and Wednesday September 30th and October 1, 2014. The meetings were attended by Deputy IT minister Mr. Aimal Marjan, Deputy Admin-Finance Minister Mr. Wahabbudin Sadaat, leadership body of MCIT, Universities Board and graduated students.

At the beginning Mr. Aimal Marjan briefly spoke about the achievements and objectives of MCIT and said: MCIT aims to expand broadband connectivity, and develop the capacity of IT Sector to facilitate improved service delivery across Afghanistan while accelerating job creation and economic growth of the country.
He mentioned that: according the contract signed with three private Universities MCIT aims to build IT capacity skills and train IT professionals in 6  IT specialization streams such as: Systems Administration; Networking and Cyber Security; Microsoft Technologies; Data Base Administration; Web Designing/Web Development and Software Development.

Mr. Marjan added: that MICT intends to provide training opportunities for other 5000 individuals in the field of e- governance and Cyber Security in the coming years.

In terms of IT development in the country Mr. Marjan also spoke about the importance of Dewea program and said: the Dewey is a major program of promoting initiatives and innovation in the areas of information and Technology.

He said: those, who seeks and offer possible ways of solutions for IT challenges will be given awards from 2000 to 80000 US dollars.

Then the professors and graduated students thanked leadership of MCIT for their attention paid on educational development in the country.