Digital Phone Project of Taimany Officially inaugurates

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

 Taimani’s digital Phone Station, which has the capacity of 8'500 lines, was inaugurated by H.E. Minister of MCIT Eng. Amirzai Sangin on Sunday 24th June, 2012.

The project cost was 2.5 million US Dollars, funded by development budget of MCIT and implemented by the Indian Company named Aster. The event was attended by leadership of MCIT, members of Wolasi Jirga and media representatives.


Amirzai Sangin said: this station covers (first and second part of Taimani), some areas of 2nd and 3rd Parwan through 90 Families, Colony Town and Wazeer Abad areas. The project links other stations by Fiber Optic.

Appreciating Kabul municipality and residents of Taimani for their cooperation.

Eng. Sangin mentioned that the project is implemented under control of MCIT by Aster Company.

Further he said: according to plans all projects from 1'000 lines except the project of Karta- e Now are completed, Karta –e Now project will be completed very soon.

Besides rapid and cheaper phone connectivity the project will provide data transfer, internet dial up and DSL facilities and it will cause increase in the income of our country.