Afghanistan obtained membership of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications(RCC)

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

In a formal meeting with General Head of RCC Committee Mr. Noordin, Minister of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) H.E. Abdurazaq Vahidi discussed the membership of Afghanistan in RCC In 9th Turkmenistan International Conference and Exhibition, 16 – 17 September 2015.   

After returning from Turkmenistan, Afghan delegation officially began exchange official correspondence with RCC Committee; as a result the committee’s invitation to Minister of Communications and Information Technology of Afghanistan H.E Abdul Razaq Vahidi was received in late October this year.

According the direct of H.E. Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Mr Gul Ahmad Rastmn heading a technical committee left to Samarkand a city of Uzbekistan on November 2, 2015 in order to introduce Afghanistan's membership in RCC Committee and provide pragmatic ground for regional cooperation and upgrading international telecommunications trade.

Gaining membership of the Committee of RCC and other regional and trans-regional organizations is one of the goals of the new leadership of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of Afghanistan to provide improved telecommunications and internet services in the country and in the long run, Afghanistan will become a transit corridor in South and the Central Asia.

With implementation of such an effective programs Afghanistan will restore its historic role in the digitization Silk Road once again (Digital Silk Road through Afghanistan).

On its first day and in the opening minutes of the meeting the membership of Afghanistan was placed on the top of agenda, fortunately, with unanimous voting by the board of directors, Afghan Telecom gained status of observer membership and H. E. Minister of Communications Afghanistan was accepted as member director’s board of the committee. At the next meeting of the committee in May 2016, Afghanistan will be an active member of this regional organization.

Participation in the meeting of RCC countries’ committee in the field of communication arranged favorable environment for working meetings.

on the sidelines of the meeting Afghan delegation met with competent representatives of the  Ros Telecom, Uzbek Telecom, Data group, Belarus MTS, and other participants; purchasing and transfer of IP and Data Transit was put to technical review the positive outcome of the visit will be put into action in near future.

Ros Telecom is one of the leading international companies in the region which plays an important role in the Internet and transit of information and during the negotiations, promised seriously will cooperate with Afghan Telecom Corporation by providing Internet through Central Asian countries.

During negotiations on 7 and 8 November this year, Afghan delegation heading by director of Afghan Telecom and senior adviser to Minister of Communications, director of Technology and also head of the Department of Trade and Investment of Uzbek Telecom in separate meetings in Tashkent the  Capital of Uzbekistan discussed various telecommunication issues including the purchase of 10G capacity of the Internet and its transit from Uzbekistan through Afghanistan to Iran and Pakistan, as a result, Uzbek Telecom company will notify  Afghan Telecom about the final sales price of 10G capacity Internet, as well as requirements of the transit Internet and its capacity in the coming weeks.


Fundamental aspects of the visit:

  • Gaining the membership of RCC.
  • representatives of the Uzbek telecommunications companies and Ros Telecom pledged to provide the Afghan government Internet Services with a capacity of 10 G the equivalent of 64 - STM, which is proportional to the rate of Pakistan or less of it,;
  • initiating development of optical fiber equipment to the border and connection in the near future;
  • Uzbeks expressed interest in internet transmission to neighboring countries through Afghanistan using the Afghan Optical Fiber Network.


Negotiations achievements:

Undoubtedly, Afghanistan’s participation in international conference and meetings or regional and cross-regional organizations will provide important business and employment opportunities for the Afghan telecommunications sector.

Afghanistan achieved observer member status of RCC Committee, Afghanistan’s membership on this committee has advantages that are described in the following table:







Afghanistan’s membership in the International Department of Regional Communication was approved in March 2016



Till achieving the membership Afghanistan will be in observer status.




Membership of minister of MCIT in Board of International Department of Regional Communication was approved in March 2016


Should be noted that price was finalized with Uzbekistan and they demanded transit from Afghanistan to Iran


10 GB internet from Ros Telecom ($ 5000 has been finalized) which is without the price from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

The Afghani side has proposed $150000 against 10GB from Russia to Termez[Mw1]   Afghanistan border.


Demand from Uzbek Telecom


transit discussion from Afghanistan


Coordination in transit and price conditions

Technical meetings were launch with Uzbek and Turkmen colleagues


Meetings with other operators

Getting various options for digital transit



