Telecommunication Towers Contracts signs with Telecom Companies

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

 Telecommunication Towers Contracts signs with Telecom Companies

We will sign contracts of 6th projects with three telecommunication companies to install and handle 220 towers (BTS) in ruler areas of the country for public services. Said Eng. Baryalay Hassam technical deputy minister of MCIT in a press conference held at MCIT’s conference room. Further he added, the project, which is funded by telecommunication development fund (TDF) of MCIT valued $28 million will be applied in the areas, which are not under cover so far. Also he stressed that the tower contract winner companies (Afghan Telecom with 195, Afghan Wireless 9, MTN 16 towers) are obliged to install and provide the towers within 18 months.

The project will provide telecommunication facilities for 440,000 people. It is mentionable that legal bidding process is completed by ATRA.