MCIT Siezed illegal SIM Boxes in Kabul city

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Alireza Khaliqyar

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Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Ministry of Communications &
Press Release
Date: 24/June/2012
Press Release MCIT Seized illegal SIM Boxes in Kabul city
ATRA, which works in an open, independent, transparent and purposeful manner within the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, is the solely responsible authority to supervise and regulate issues related to Telecom sector in the country as per provisions of the Telecomm Services Regulation Law.
On 8 and 10th of Jawza, 1391, ATRA was informed that some people had installed the telecom equipment in 11th and 14th districts of Kabul city and were illegally using the equipment. Having received information, the supervising team of ATRA, in combination with representatives of Attorney General, National Security Directorate and Police, went to area of operation after receiving order of the relevant court.
During investigation, the complex team seized two SIM Boxes, each with capacity of (8) SIM Cards, including four others in 11th and 14th districts of Kabul city. A total of (273) MTN SIM Cards and (34) items of the telecom relevant equipment and accessories were confiscated as well, in addition to six SIM Boxes and the suspected, who as an Afghan, handed over to the relevant Police Station. Use of SIM boxes for carrying out international calls has caused economic losses, lowered the telecom services quality as well as created security problems.
The culprit, as per the provisions of the Telecom Services Regulation Law, has breached following by utilizing the SIM Boxes and the telecom equipment:
1. Has provided the telecom services illegally.
2. Has imported and used the telecom equipment in the country without any authorizing license.
3. Has illegally used frequency allocations, which is a valuable national resource, without any authorizing license permit.
4. Would have used the SIM Boxes and the telecom relevant equipment for anti-security activities, in addition to causing thousands of USD losses to the government and the telecom companies.
Any violator tries to do such illegal activities should be fined as per the provisions of the Telecom Services Regulation Law as well as their equipment is seized. Moreover, the culprits are obliged, if determined they have caused financial losses and security problems, to compensate and face sentence.
While ATRA appreciates cooperation of the security bodies, we wish that nobody must use the telecom equipment illegally and without having any authorizing license so as not to cause financial loss and security problems in the country.
Afghanistan Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
Yours sincerely,