MCIT confiscates six SIM Boxes in Kabul and Baghlan provinces and stops illegal operation of an Internet net cafe in Kabul

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Alireza Khaliqyar

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Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Ministry of Communication and IT
Liaison and Documents Department
Afghanistan Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (ATRA) confiscates six SIM Boxes in Kabul and Baghlan provinces and stops illegal operation of an Internet net cafe in Kabul
Media Advisory
ATRA, which is the solely responsible authority to supervise and regulate issues related to Telecom sector in the country as per provisions of the Telecomm Services Regulation Law, has been continuously carrying out its functions in order to ensure Telecom services status in the country. In Asad month, 1390, ATRA seized a number of illegal telecom equipment in Kabul and Baghlan provinces as well as terminated the illegal operation provided by the mentioned equipment.
1. On 26 of Asad 1390, three SIM boxes two of which with capacity of (96) SIM Cards and one of them with capacity of (120) SIM Cards and totally all with capacity of (312) SIM Cards, which were providing Telecom services in an illegal manner in tenth district of Kabul city, were sequestered by the authority. In addition to above mentioned SIM Boxes, a total of (1223) Etisalat SIM Cards, (740) MTN SIM Cards and (30) items of Telecom equipment were seized and carried to ATRA. The owner of SIM Boxes and other telecom equipment is an Iranian and has run away, including his Afghan fellow and police is after them.
2. On 17 of Asad 1390, three SIM boxes two of which with capacity of (8) SIM Cards and one of them with capacity of (120) SIM Cards and totally all with capacity of (312) SIM Cards, which were providing Telecom services in an illegal manner in Poli Khomri city of Baghlan province, were confiscated by the authority. A total of (107) AWCC SIM Cards, (38) Roshan SIM Cards and (38) items of Telecom equipment were seized In addition to above mentioned SIM Boxes. The SIM Boxes were operated by a Pakistani and an Afghan; the culprits were arrested by police and their case is under investigation.
3. On 9 Asad 1390, total of (6) items of illegal wireless equipment, which were used without any authorizing license for providing illegal internet services by IO Global Net Café in Kabul city, were seized.
Using the Telecom equipment, violators have breached the Telecom Services Regulation Law as follows:
1. Have used radio spectrum without having any authorizing license permit.
2. Have provided Telecom services illegally.
3. Have imported Telecom equipment in the country without approval of ATRA.
4. Have affected the companies thousand of USD loss per day.
5. Would have carried out anti security activities.
6. Have brought down quality of Telecom services of the GSM companies in the country.
Based on the provisions of the Telecom Services Regulation Law, if a person provides Telecom and Internet Services, uses frequencies and imports Telecom equipment illegally and without having any authorizing license, they are fined as well as their equipment is sequestered in accordance with Wireless Regulation and the mentioned law.
In order to investigate the case, it is followed by ATRA and Law Enforcement Bodies as per provisions of the Telecom Services Regulation Law, Wireless Regulation, Code of Penalty and temporary Criminal Law.
Ministry of Communication & IT