Speech at the Caspian Innovation Conference - Azerbaijan

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Alireza Khaliqyar
Wed, Dec 05 2018 2:00 PM
سخنرانی در کنفرانس نوآوری کاسپین – آذربایجان

Shahzad Aryobee Minister of Communications and Information Technology spoke at the Digital Connectivity for Sustainable Development Conference in Baku, on Wednesday, December 5, 2018.

In his speech minister Shahzad Aryobee briefed participants of the conference about the achievements, developments and future plans of the telecommunications and information technology sector.

By pointing out Afghanistan's digital communications with neighboring countries, Shahzad Aryobee highlighted development plans of the fiber optic network, the strategic role of Afghanistan between Central Asian countries, and the connectivity of the Afghan Fiber Optic Network through the Wakhan Corridor to China, and particularly the importance and role of Afghanistan in regional connectivity.

Minister of Communications and IT also referred to the decreasing the prices for Internet services, connecting country’s educational institutions, health and military centers to fiber optics and equipping them with IT tools.
Undoubtedly, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) has foremost plans to promote e-government, information technology and fiber optics, but the implementation of these programs requires joint efforts and cooperation of regional countries.