Ministry of Communications & IT Celebrates International Women’s Day

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

To mark and celebrate International Women’s Day, a splendid gathering was held in Ministry of Communications& IT Post conference hall on Saturday March 9, 2013.
The meeting was attended by Minister of Communication and Information Technology H. E. Amirzai Sangin along with leadership Board of MCIT and staff men and women.

At beginning minister of MCIT congratulated women’s International day to women of the world particularly suffering oppressed women of Afghanistan.  He said the purpose of this splendid gathering is respect and honor to the position and role of the women in social – economic and political field. He added: Islam is the only religion, which gives women rights they deserve. Therefore MCIT and its leadership attempt to highlight the role of women in the ministry and honor it.  There is no discrimination against women and appreciation of women and their work in this department is our policy. More the 25% of employees are women in MCIT, we need to act further on the practical implementation of the rights and status of women in Afghanistan.  

Then Malalai Yousufzai head of the Gender in MCIT congratulate women, especially peace – loving and freedom loving women of Afghanistan in her statement and thanked leadership of MCIT for conducting such ceremony to honor the women. She added women in Afghanistan have seen a lot of suffering and hardship we hope that this case should end after today.

In respect to women some gifts were considered and distributed on behalf of leadership of MCIT.