The Minister of Communications and Information Technology meets with G42 officials and discusses opportunities for bilateral cooperation

Tue, Jan 12 2021 2:29 PM
مسوولان شرکت G42 امارات متحده عربی

After meeting with the government and the relevant departments’ authorities, the Officials of the G42 Company of the United Arab Emirates ( UAE) met with the Minister of Communications and Information Technology Masooma Khawari, and discussed the opportunities for bilateral cooperation.
The two sides shared views on reinforcing e-governance and solutions for digitalization of offices. 
The Minister of Communications and Information Technology while welcoming  the G42 officials for their presence pledged to implement Afghanistan's major national programs, strengthen e-governance and digitize departments based on standards in line with the President's instructions and views.

مسوولان شرکت G42 امارات متحده عربی

After the meeting, Deputy (Policy and Programs) Minister of MCIT Mr. Ahmad Massood Latif Rai, and the Ministry's technical team discussed in detail the issues of joint cooperation with G42 officials during a separate meeting.

مسوولان شرکت G42 امارات متحده عربی

The meeting emphasized that the implementation e-government plans and strategies based on regional models is one of the priorities of the Government leadership and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of Afghanistan.