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Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2012

The Ministry of Communication & Information Technology has celebrated the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day during a gathering at the Intercontinental Hotel Wednesday. . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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Members of Transportation and Telecommunication Commission of the Afghan Parliament Visited the MCIT

A delegation of the Afghan parliament (Wolasi Jirga) visited the MCIT to discuss the latest development and future plans in the telecom and IT sector with official at the MCIT. The. . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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Members of Telecommunication Sector of Mishranom Jirga praise the Achievements of MCIT

  Ministry of Communication & Information Technology present description to the members of   Telecommunication Sector of Mishrano Jirga about the achievements and future plan of MCIT .. . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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Information and Communication Technology Institute Commencement |2011

Sixty Two students graduated from the Information and Communication Technology Institute (ICTI). They received Bachelor Degree Certificates by the delegation of Ministry of. . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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Annual Conference of Ministry of Communications & IT Provincial Directors

A 3-days conference aimed to have better cooperation between central and provincial Directors of MCIT, Afghan Telecom managers, identifying problems and challenges of provincial. . .
