Do not be concerned about getting salaries in the most remote parts of Afghanistan!

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Alireza Khaliqyar
Sun, Nov 25 2018 10:08 AM

The mobile salary payment program is one of the midterm and valuable projects of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, which has the potential to simplify and improve the payment process as salaries will be transferred directly to the employees via mobile.

The mobile salary payment program was launched at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Martyrs & Disabled for over two years and currently more than 5,000 employees of the ministry and 24354 staff members in the Ministry of Education in the three provinces of Parwan, Nangarhar and Kandahar are paid through Mobile.  

The enrollment process for 116,000 teachers of the MoE is ongoing and will cover all the government institutions and ministries by the year 2020.