Award of Medal and honorary flag to H.E Eng. Amirzai Sangin Minister of Communications and IT

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

Posted on: Oct 03, 2010
On September 30, 2010 a ceremony was held at the Intercontinental Hotel for the purpose of award of medal and honorary flag to H.E Eng.Amirzai Sangin Minister of Communications and Information Technology of I.R of Afghanistan from National Union of Afghanistan Workers.

The ceremony was started with recitation of some verses of holy Quran and play of National Anthem of the country. Then Mr.Zahir Kargar head of National Union of Afghanistan Workers granted honorary medal to H.E Eng.Amirzai Sangin and honorary flag to the other senior management and employee of MCIT regarding outstanding services and practical innovation in the way of communication services that MCIT officials have been providing to the public community round the clock.
Mr.Kargar read the draft of leadership delegate of National Union of Afghanistan Workers regarding grant of medal and honorary flag and added: National Union of Afghanistan Workers is a non-aligned social organization which has 40 years experience among hard working people of Afghanistan. Today the people of Afghanistan witness better communications services even in remote areas of Afghanistan and therefore as a representative of National Union of Afghanistan Workers leadership I congratulate H.E the Minister, leadership and employees of MCIT.
Afterwards, Minister of MCIT thanked National Union of Afghanistan Workers and added: I thank the president of I.R of Afghanistan, who trusted on me to take over this huge responsibility and with the help almighty Allah we got this success. This proud is not just for us but it’s for leadership and employees of MCIT, the parliament of the country especially communication commission of upper and lower houses of parliament, communication private companies who are delivering their services for the people of Afghanistan in the field of ICT all are sharing this proud.
Then representative of International Labor Organization (ILO) presented his congratulation message to H.E minister of MICT, leadership delegate, workers and employees of MCIT. Also, the head of communication of upper and lower houses of the parliament congratulated regarding this proud and added: MCIT is a sectorial ministry that really tries to provide better services for the citizens in the field of ICT. Today people have complete access to these services in the remote areas of the country and today we don’t need to go to neighboring countries for telephone contact and we hope that such services are extended more and more in Afghanistan; also they thanked National Union of Afghanistan Workers because of appreciation of Minister of MCIT.
At the end National Union of Afghanistan Workers distributed appreciation letters to Mr. Eng.Baryalai Hassam and Mr. Wahabuddin Sadaad deputy ministers of MCIT, Mr.Ghulam Jelani Waziri head of Minister’s office, Mr.Abdul Rahman Nisar, Mr.Abdul Kabir Attaee, Mr. Gull-Ahmad Rastman MCIT directors as well as head of GSM companies.
The ceremony ended with conclusion prayer.
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