Minister of Communications and Information Technology participate the session of Internet of Things

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Alireza Khaliqyar
Mon, Oct 15 2018 9:30 AM

Minister of Communications and Information Technology Shahzad Aryobee, along with deputy minister (Finance and Admin) of MCIT Dr. Hadi Hedayati, the head of the of Computer Science Faculty, officials of Technician Company, Professors, members and students of the University attended the final session of the Incredible Internet of Things (IoT) on Monday, October 15, 2018.

Thanking the participants and the organizers of the program minister Shahzad Aryobee said: that it is the matter of pleasure that the Afghans, especially our young people alongside other advances are innovating in the field of information technology. And it was proud for me to be present at such a scientific meeting among the innovators and scientists who discussed the Internet of Things in Afghanistan (IoT).

According to Aryobee, “Certainly, the advancement of information technology in the last decade has provided various developments and created significant facilities in human life”. Technological scientists and experts are endeavoring to make abundant opportunities in human life by creating intelligent systems, and using the Internet of things has transformed the world into a small village, which is considered as one of the basic human needs in the modern age.

Fortunately, our beloved country, Afghanistan by promoting technology has also been able to be in progress in various sectors.

The Ministry of Communications and Technology through Mobile platform is trying to create a variety of facilities and thus far, thanks to initiative Afghan experts we have been able to create programs and systems for public services.

The Minister of Communications and Information Technology added that, in addition to that using modern and state of art technologies such as the Internet of Things and the establishment of infrastructures and intelligent systems is the goal of MCIT, and we have created a basic platform of the National Internet exchange Afghanistan (NIXA) project for Internet management and Security in Afghanistan.

Since IPv6 is the core of the Internet, thus, in order to support this technology, using the NIXA project, we are attempting to create a central system to support IPv6 for promoting the Internet of things in the country.