MCIT Directors seminar opens at ICTI

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

A 3-days seminar aimed at building cooperation between central and provincial MCIT directors, director of Afghan telecom, identifying problems and challenges of provincial Telecommunication plans, normal and devolvement budget for covering the rural area.

Seminar was attended by the Minister of the MCIT, leadership OF MCIT,   central and    provincial directors and authorities of afghan telecom representative of media.

The meeting opened with the recitation of the few verses of the holly Quran; subsequently the national anthem was played.

 At the beginning Mr. Khalilulah khalil director of human resource department welcomed the guests.

Latter H.E. Eng.  Amirzai Sangin Minister of Communications and IT of I.R of Afghanistan said! Last year we mentioned to provincial directors to bring 5 problems related to their province that should be considered for the future plane. Likewise those areas which are deprived from telecommunication services will be covered in future plan.

Currently 80% of people are covered by telecommunication services and the rest of 20% will be covered in next 3 years by the telecommunication and internet services.

Mr. Amirzai Sangin said: Afghanistan has achieved  significant progress in telecommunication services in last 5 years while other countries had made this progress In 30 -40 years, we are  proud  that    our  achievement and  services the result   wining  the GSM 2011 world Award.

Mr.Amirzai Sangin also talked   about the 3G technology: we want to bring 3G technology to our country this technology has lots of facilities such as video, picture and speed internet in very near future we will start issuing licenses.

At the end of seminar jowzjan province  provincial council of representative honored  Mr.Amirzai   Minster of communication & IT with commendation latter.