ICTI Collaboration Conference

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM

 Two-day Information Communication Technology (ICT) Collaboration Conference was held in ICTI conference hall with the participation of H.E.Eng. Amirzai Sangin Minister of Communication& IT, MCIT board of directors, ISAF, ATRA and NISPAA members, foreign guests and media representative.

The conference will last two days the aim of the Conference  will be  infrastructure of ICT ,the impact of 3G and WIMAX, fiber optic ring ,NISPAA\ISP Challenges ,Kabul fiber Afghan National Data Center and  internet exchange of Afghanistan .

At the beginning of Conference H. Excellency Eng. Amirzai Sangin Minister of Communication & IT delivered his brief statement to the audience “the purpose of this workshop is to develop the ICTI infrastructure, coordination, sharing the ideas, suggestion and challenges between ATRA and ISP”.

Minister of Communication & IT added: “ICT have been brought a major revolution in the world today more than five million of population of the world use cellphones and about two million people use Internet, in next 20 years the cellphone users will be equal to the population of the world. Use of ICT and Internet in today’s world it has been considered an urgent necessity in the economic, political, social and Government, business and more “

Latter Minister of communication & IT Eng. Amirzai Sangin “give a clear warning to those Internet Service Provider(ISP) who do not filter the immoral sites their license will have been  confiscated “

At the end Amirzai Sangin talk about  the impact of 3G and WIMAX technology ,MCIT will permit the license of 3G in next two weeks,3G is use for personal use and  WIMAX technology  provides internet for government and non- government  organization, schools and colleges etc.

Eng. Amirzai Sangin said about the vision and plan of MCIT till 2014:” at the end of 2014 95% of population of Afghanistan will cover by telecommunication and the Number of telephone users will increase and also every Afghan will have his own Electronic ID Card (Tazkira)on his pocket , from every  two people one them will use broadband technology, people will have no more complain about  internet prices because the internet price will decrease from 350$ up to 150$ per megabit at the end of 2014 “.