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Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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Telecommunication Towers Contracts signs with Telecom Companies

 Telecommunication Towers Contracts signs with Telecom Companies

We will sign contracts of 6th projects with three telecommunication companies to install and handle 220 towers (BTS). . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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Assigned committee’s meeting of MCIT held for implementation decree No.45

Assigned committee’s meeting of MCIT held for implementation decree No.45

Today Monday 28th august a periodic meeting of assigned committee of MCIT, observers of president’s office. . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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Afghanistan Mobile Money Senior Executive Seminar

 Afghanistan Mobile Money Senior Executive Seminar  

Both the governments of Afghanistan and USA will prepare the mobile money action plan.

To discuss the plan of transmission. . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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Second Afghan National Conference on Science and Engineering holds

5-6/6/1391: Second Afghan National Conference on Science and Engineering (ANCSE) organized by the Afghan Society for Science and Engineering Education (AFSSEE) and financial support of. . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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National ICT Council holds extraordinary Meeting

Information technology and telecommunication council meets sound and healthy growth of information technology, gathers private and government sectors, involves different strata of. . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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National ICT Council Holds Meeting

The meeting of information and communication technology’s high council headed by H.E. second vice president and chairman of the council was held on Saturday afternoon. In this meeting. . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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MCIT Detects and Seizes illegal SIM Boxes

According to the law of  Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority  (ATRA) is the only regulating telecommunication services, which works  independently in Ministry of Communication &. . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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All Afghan Universities Connects to the World Universities through Fiber Optic Cable

All Afghan Universities Connects to the World Universities through Fiber Optic Cable   

 To mark this occasion a press conference held at MCIT with the participation of H.E. Eng. . .

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM
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To sale out inactivated SIM Cards

In order to prevent sales of non-registered SIM Cards, a memorandum of understanding was signed with Ministry of Interior and other security agencies, and an agreement between security. . .
