MCIT Revenue from April 2019

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Alireza Khaliqyar
MCIT's revenue from the 21th of January to 1th of April 2019
No Fiscal Year  Revenue Sources  Revenues Earned
1 1398 Rental of public housing 1,500.00
2 1398 Postal services and Telecommunications Telegram 11,362,055.00
3 1398 Mobile phone service  14,936,436.00
4 1398 %Commission Private Postal Service 15 994,954.00
1 1398 Revenues from 10% credit cards 237,149,892.00
5 1398 Major revenues from government departments 2,637,132.00
6 1398 (Transfer of revenue from previous years (Remains 257,528,895.79
Total  524,610,864.79