Afghan Government and World Bank signs an Agreement

Thu, Jan 01 1970 5:03 AM


World Bank has signed an agreement to provide worth 147.8$ Million US dollars with the   Ministry of finance as assistance for the development of communication and IT infrastructure.

A conference was held in the Ministry of Finance in this regard with participation of H.E.Eng.  Amirzai Sangin Minister of Communications and IT of I.R of Afghanistan, Mr. Mohammad Ismail Khan Minister of Energy and Water, Mr. Mohammad Omer Zakhilwal Minister of Finance, Mrs..Josephon Voice president of World Bank, foreign officials and Media representative .

At the beginning Ms.Josephon said” that, the Ministry of communication and IT had been able to attract the global attention in last few years’ and had   considerable achievements. Hence From the total amount (147.8$) assisted to the government of Afghanistan, 50$ million is allocated to the ministry of Communication and information Technology”.

H.E. Eng. Amirzai Saning Minister of communication and IT said:
Ministry of communication and IT always struggles to provide  modern telecommunication and internet  services  to the people of Afghanistan.Mr.Sangin  expressed his gratitude to the World Bank for helping 50$ million US dollar for the development of IT infrastructures in the country. “These money would be spent on two areas- for the expansion of internet access and mobile coverage , currently 4% percent  of our people has access to the internet in upcoming 5 years internet service will be reached  to 50%” said the minister.

Mr.Amirzai sangin added:” we have a plan to expand 1000 km fiber optic cable to central Afghanistan (bamyan,ghor and dikundy) as well as to the north east part of the country (badakhshan,takhar) and this will help to enhance the capacity of staff.

Mr.Amirzai Sangin promised,” that in a very near future they, will bring, those regions under coverage where, internet services have not been extended in yet”.